
We Can Solve

iCreatec offers a comprehensive solution to a diverse range of customers, including multinational corporations (MNCs), small and medium-sized companies (SMCs), startups, and manufacturers eager to embrace the new era of IoT but lacking the necessary expertise or engineering resources. iCreatec's solutions encompass back-end cloud services, mobile apps, smart gateways, and IoT modules and support mainstream wireless protocols and various back-end platforms, and are compatible with Tuya smart services. iCreatec has a proven technology solution that can make your dream come true and shorten Time to Market.

Who We Are?

iCreatec is a one-stop IoT application solution provider for multinational corporations (MNCs), small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups.


Drawing upon our extensive expertise in product development across the consumer electronics and industrial control domains, we have collaborated with trusted partners to deliver comprehensive solutions for a wide range of renowned enterprises, universities, and public facilities.